A blood spill resulting from an accident or crime is not only off-putting and upsetting; it can be hazardous. Aside from being a visual reminder of our mortality, a blood spill may contain harmful pathogens and must be attended to carefully.
As a general rule of thumb, blood spills or stains larger than a standard dinner plate should be referred to licensed and certified Biohazard Remediation professionals. Far more than a cleaning service, Biohazard Remediation involves removing blood and bodily fluids, cleaning, and disinfecting affected areas.
Dealing with blood spills and other potentially harmful biohazards can be dangerous work. The risk of coming into contact with harmful bloodborne pathogens like HIV and Hepatitis is significant, which is why remediation professionals are trained to work with blood and bodily fluids safely.
If the spill you're dealing with is small enough to pass the dinner plate test, and you know or are reasonably certain the blood is pathogen-free, there is a ten-step process experts recommend if you want to give cleaning it a go yourself:
You're going to want to be wearing a decent pair of rubber gloves when cleaning blood spills and stains. It's a good idea to consider eye protection, too, should any blood or fluid splash or spatter during the removal process.
The last thing you want is for a sharp object to pierce your gloves as you're removing a blood spill. Remove any sharp or potentially sharp objects in or around the spill using tweezers.
Absorb as much of the spill as possible with cloth towels. You can place the towels directly onto the spill. Once soaked, place the contaminated linens in a biohazard bag for later disposal.
Once the majority of the blood's been removed, check to ensure the room is well ventilated, then pour a registered disinfectant with a broad-spectrum kill claim onto the stain. Let the disinfectant sit for ten minutes, then clean with a cloth rag, moving from the outer circumference of the stain inward.
While it may seem redundant, it's best to play it safe and clean and disinfect a third time when dealing with potentially dangerous blood spills. Using damp cloth towels, go over the affected area one last time.
Contact your area health department for directions on how to dispose of contaminated towels and protective equipment, which should be double-bagged and labeled "biohazard."
After cleaning even a small blood spill, you'll want to shower, or at the very least wash your hands well. Before you do, check yourself for any contaminants that may have made it past your protective equipment.
Keep in mind that all but the smallest of blood spills should be removed, cleaned, and disinfected by trained and licensed professionals. If you require blood-spill remediation in the St. Louis area, call the experts at Bio-One today, or visit online anytime at www.bioonestc.com.
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